Superboy 200, Cover Date: Feb 1974. "The Legionnaire bride of Starfinger." Story: Cary Bates Art: Dave Cockrum.
In the Legion's Medical Center, Bouncing Boy is getting some bad news from Brainiac-5. As Bouncing Boy leaves, Brainiac-5 chokes up thinking that he will have to tell the others that they are losing a pal.
To cheer himself up bouncing boy, goes to the legion's Visitape library, and watches an old tape of himself and Duo Damsel having a 3 way, I mean having fun using their powers. Seeing the tape of him and Duo Damsel. reminds him how much he will miss her. That gives him a great idea, and he races off to the legion's landing deck where Duo Damsel should be arriving after being away on a month long mission, When he gets there Chameleon boy tells him he is 10 minutes too late, The damsel left to go to Metro-Center to get her Space Passport stamped. He finds her leaving the center, and sits her down to tell her Brainiac-5 diagnosis. Duo Damsel tells him it does not matter and she still loves him. Chuck then whispers a question to her, which she answers, "Oh Chuck... You don't know how long I've waited for this moment! Of course my answer is ... Yes... Yes!" As chuck moves in for a kiss, Duo Damsel takes off like a rocket. Duo Damsel took off after two escaped Eaglox birds, the only two of their kind and the symbol of the united planets. The duo damsel is trying to reach the two escape birds, but they had flying in two different directions. She tries to use her power to split into two but finds she is unable to. Wondering where her other self is she continues after the bird directly in front of her she catches it but then sees the other bird flying directly in the past of a jet flier. out of know where Superboy appears and moves the flier out of the way of the bird and then he catches the bird and the two heroes return to the ground.
Down on the ground bouncing Boy tells Superboy that it is Ironic that Duo Damsel powers should fail her the same day that Brainiac-5 discovers that Bouncing boy lost his power
forever. Superboy is shocked but is even more shocked when Duo Damsel tells him that they are quitting the Legion to get married. Back at Legion headquarters fellow members congratulates the pair. In the Medical wing Brainiac-5 is examining the single Duo Damsel. He tells her that is not that her powers is not working it is that she is all ready separated, using a
Memory-Prober to find out when the two halves of Luornu split. Brainiac-5 "sees" both Duo Damsels flying side by side being attracted by a monstrous bird of prey. I captures one of the Damsels and vanishes into nothingness. The strain of losing her other half was so great she blotted it out of her memory. The green skinned teen tells her that her twin is gone forever and that it should not matter because of her new life as a Devoted wife. The next day minus Mon-el and Shadow lass the legion load up into three cruisers and head for Mars the site of the wedding ceremony.
As the cruisers leave a nameless formless mass arrives at the head quarters vowing to take what is his, but that is a story for a future issue.
At the solar systems plushest resort Nix Olympica the legion and their guest arrive at there destination.

As soon as the minister pronounces them Man and wife Luornu starts to glow and collapses. After a swift examination Brainiac-5 announces that Duo Damsel is dying. Just then one of the Legion's oldest foes appears carring a second glowing Duo damsel. He tells the teens that they need to hand their Damsel to him or they will both die. Despite Bouncing Boy's objections Superboy flies the Damsel off to meet with Starfinger. Meanwhile Brainiac-5 give a distraught Bouncing Boy a vulcan neck pinch. Up in the Sky Starfinger blasts Superboy and takes off with Both Duo Damsels just as he planned. He was behind the attack that separated the Damsels and unleashed a poisonous gas that handicapped the Damsels. As he goes back to his space craft with his monstrous Warxi he vows to carry out experiment-x. A small task force of Legionnaries meet to plan their next move. Using recorded brain waves of Duo Damsel Saturn girl tries to home in on the missing Legionnaire.
On his ship Starfinger is using his PSONIC-ANALYZER to find out how Duo damsel separates her self, so her can divided himself into an army of Starfingers.
Just as Starfinger is about to create his first duplicate Superboy speeds off. Starfinger fires his device at himself and he is greeted by a 2nd Starfinger who quickly subdues the orginial. When the Legion arrives they blast the surviving Starfinger to reveal Superboy in a Starfinger suit. Brainiac-5 reunites the two halves of Duo Damsel and Starfinger escapes with the help of Warxi. Back on earth Mon-el tells shadow lass that he will ask Superboy to rejoin the legion full time and the mysterious energy blob vows that nothing will stop him.
bits of Legionnarie business
Roll Call
Bouncing Boy
Chameleon Boy
Duo Damsel
Lightning Lad
Cosmic boy
Phantom Girl
Mon-El (leader)
Shadow Lass
Saturn Girl
Legion Wedding
Legion Headquarters and Equipment
- Medical Center
- Visitape Library
- Landing Deck
- Diagnostic Scanner
- Memory Prober
- Legion cruisers
Things with "Space in front of them: 1 Space Passport. Total 1
Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel talk about science fiction. I can understand it when he had his powers, (he can expand his body parts) but powerless I do not see the attraction. Bouncing boy states that he lost his powers forever but "Spoilers" in about 30 issues he regains his powers. Starfinger has all ways been a lame villain and this issue does not change that fact but I liked seeing Old seldom used villains Mon-El says that he will ask Superboy to rejoin the Legion, what has Superboy been doing the last 4 issues if he has not been a full time member? Don't get me wrong I do like this issue but it is what it is, a Cheesy Cary Bates Legion Story, but the one thing I noticed that really puts this into the cheesy catagorie is Space Passports, puting a word infront of another that is not needed is silly and I will start a count of this going forward.
Sorry for the delay in posting, I broke my wrist back in June and needed Surgery, but I am recovered enough to continue posting.
Next Time Member Profile on Duo Damsel.