Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Superboy # 217 "Future Shock for Superboy"


Story: Jim Shooter, Art: Mike Grell
Superboy flies though the the sky's of 20th century smallville and building speed until he pierces the time barrier on his way to the 30th century and the latest meeting of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
The Teen of steel exits the time stream and marvels at 30th century metropolis and the people cheering him. He notice that someone is in the magnetic canal that carries cargo on magnetic waves at over 200 miles an hour. He plans to scoop the unlucky guy out of the canal before the cargo gets close, but he notices it is a girl and what a girl she is. The scantily clad girl is standing there calm as can be, Superboy could just fly her out of there but feels like showing off  and uses his super strength to stop the cargo in its path. He flies the girl out of the way and asks her how she fell into the canal in the first place and she just replies that she is extra clumsy. She asks Superboy if he knows who she is and when he asks if he should she says no and tells him her name is Elna. Elna is impressed and says she always wanted to meet him and she never had been held by a living legend before. The teen of steel is smitten and ask her to hang out with her until he has to go to his meeting in a half hour. They talk for a bit mostly about Superboy, when Legion member Wildfire comes around the corner Elna takes of before he can see her. Superboy wants to go after her but Wildfire reminds him they are due at the meeting. Later in the Legion Council chamber Mon-El adjourns the meeting. Wildfire asks if he is returning to his own time but the Smallville Sentinel has a certain girl he can't get out of his mind and goes off in search for her. Wildfire would of gone with him but he has duty that night at the Legion Academy working with some new trainees.  Note: the Legion academy was introduced in Adventure comics 371.
           As Superboy flies off Elna arrives crying thinking she should of told him the truth about herself right away. Hours later Superboy cannot find a trace of her it is as if she vanished into thin air. He questions while she would run from Wildfire, then he realizes the one place he did not look is the Legion headquarters. He arrives as Elna is getting blasted by Wildfire as she appears to be breaking into the headquarters. Superboy freaks out and grabs Wildfire and is about to smash him when Elna pops up and tells him she is alright and that it was a Legion training exercise. Superboy is shocked and happy that she is still alive. Elna explains that her name is actually Laurel Kent and she was not harmed be cause she is invulnerable. She tells him that she is his Descendant. Wildfire joins in and tells him that eventually Superboy will become Superman and marry and have a family that will continue to the 30th century. Laurel explains that she only inherited his invulnerability which is how she made it into the Legion Academy. Laurel also tells him that she always wanted to meet her famous ancestor and that she ran away from Wildfire because he might give her away. Laurel explains that she liked him and that she knew that he liked her too because she resembles the woman he is destined to marry. Wildfire assure her that he will not remember anything that she tells him be cause they use Super Hypnosis to block out any knowledge of his own future. Later Superboy penetrates the time barrier heading of the mid 20th century and home. Once he returns to the 20th century he loses all knowledge of Laurel Kent.
Roll Call:
  • Superboy
  • Wildfire
  • Mon-El (Leader)
  • Colossal boy (background)
  • Light Lass (Background)
1st app.
  • Laurel Kent (Elna)
Rooms in the headquarters
  • Council Chamber
Page 1:
  • Superboy flies from 20th century Smallville into the time stream.
Page 2:
  • Superboy arrives in the 30th century and sees a Hot girl and flies down to talk to her. "Hi I'm Superboy" must be a hell of a pickup line. And if you knock up a girl from the future you do not have to worry about her showing up with a paternity suit.
Page 3:
  • Superboy causes property damage just to impress a girl.
  • The girl says her name is ELNA. E L N A, think about it.
Page 4:
  • Just when Superboy thinks he is getting somewhere, Wildfire shows up and ELNA takes off.
Page 5:
  • After searching all night for her he finds her just as it looks like she is being killed by one of his own teammates.
Page 6:
  • Elna is alright and her name is really Laurel Kent a descendant of Superboy.
  • Laurel admits she was attracted to what should be her Great, great, great, great (add as many greats as you want.) Grandfather.
  • Laurel tells Superboy that she resembles the woman he is destined to married. Great that narrows it down to most dark hair women from DC's Silver age. (Lois Lane, Carol Ferris, Jean Loring, even Diana Prince.)
  • Another mention of Legion Brain washing, just wait there will be more.
Laurel Kent is my favorite non Legion Member. When I first read this at 11 years old I thought it was great that Superman had descendants in the 30th century and could not wait to they did more with her. I had a while to wait, and they did use her a little over the years I was disappointed in how they finally dealt with her. The alias she uses Elna gives us a hint to who Superman Marries, change the letters around and you get Lane. If you want to here an excellent podcast on this story got to the two true freaks website and under the I have a few things to say about Superman show, Host Scott H Gardner cover this story a few months back and he did an excellent job and if you have not listen to the Two True Freaks shows I suggest you do they have many shows and they are very entertaining. Scott and his fellow Freaks cover all things geek, Star Trek, Star Wars, Comics, Movies and more.
Next Time: a Story starring everyone's favorite hero: Tyroc, yes I said Tyroc, hey he is only in 3 stories in this era so give him a break.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Superboy #217 Starring The Legion of Super-Heroes

 Superboy # 217 Cover Date June 1976, Cover Price .30 cents. "The Charge of the Doomed Legionnaires." Story: Jim Shooter, Art: Mike Grell
   Superboy narrates this tale that starts out as a peaceful trip to the Science Police convention on the planet Thanagar. It starts as Superboy is playing a game of 3d chess with Timber Wolf when Shadow Lass comes in and tells him that they just got a message from Mon-El on the cruisers transceiver and that he is needed back on earth. Timber Wolf uses his best chess move of kicking the board over. Shadow Lass tells him that it is a small job and he should be done in time to meet them at the Con. Superboy zips through the airlock at super-speed towards earth leaving his friends behind. Not know that they would need his help that he would not be there to provide. Brainiac-5 is in command on the bridge telling Colossal Boy that in 15 minutes they would be over the Planet Ruzicka, where Brainy would leave the ship to compete in the interplanetary 3-D Chess tournament while the rest of them go to Thanagar. Colossal Boy sees a ship on the scanner closing fast. He Identifies it as a Khund raider flying an intercept course and that it is hostile. Note: the Khunds are a warrior race sworn to conquer the United Planets. The Legion halted their first attempt to invade Earth, (See Adventure comics 346 and 347.) They are still the single biggest threat to the free worlds.
  Brainiac-5 orders the Legionnaires to battle stations. Brainy knows that they are coming to fast and that they will blow them to bits before they reach battle speed, so he orders Colossal boy in Engineering to cut the engines and divert all power to the shields. Alone in engineering the only way that he can operate the two switches on opposite sides of the room is to grow big enough to do the work of two crewmen. With Brainiac's quick thinking and Colossal Boy's enlarging power they averted disaster , the force shield saved the ship. But they have suffered damages. In the monitor room Shadow lass reports that the lights were out but that is no problem for the Mistress of darkness since she can see in total blackness. Timber Wolf reports that the hatch to the weapons pod was stuck but he freed it with his super strength. In engineering Colossal Boy reports that the blast opened a minor fissure in the fusion tanks but it is not critical yet but if it gets worse they will go Boom. Brainiac give the obvious order to keep an eye on it. Shadow Lass reports that the Khund is circling back. Which suits Brainiac just fine, he recognizes the insignia on the ship belonging to Field Marshal Lorca's flag ship. Lorca is the Khunds top commander, he is suppose to be the greatest military mind in the galaxy. Brainiac dreamed of testing himself against him. Brainy thinks this is even better than a chess tournament. He orders Colossal Boy to take them to battle speed. After a brief battle the Legion got the upper hand and the Khunds retreated back to their space sector. The team kisses Brainy's green ass and about the time Superboy reached earth the ship was orbiting Ruzicka and Brainiac-5 beamed down to the planet. The three remaining Legion members tell him that they will pick him up after the convention. But the danger was not over. Marshal Lorca met up with his squadron and they monitored Brainiac leaving the ship and the team continuing on to Thanagar. The first attack was just a test and now the real trap could begin. Lorca tells his men that the Legion ship proved to be superior to theirs and they must capture it. They plan to disassemble it and analyze the parts to learn what makes their ship so efficient. The Legion sees the squadron and starts to take evasive action. Lorca orders his squadron to fire. As powerful as the Legion's cruiser is it cannot withstand a surprise attack from a whole Khund squadron. Using his enormous strength Colossal Boy guides the wounded craft to Vanylack IV a barren planet. Every one on the Legion ship is okay but they wonder why the Khund did not atomize them. They figure out that the enemy wants to seize the ship. Colossal by activates his emergency signal. While Khund soldiers advance on foot, luckily the Ships photon ray still had a little power left and had enough juice to knock the soldiers down. Most of the soldiers scatter but one officer is injured on the ground. Colossal Boy thinks they should grab him and use him as a hostage. Timber Wolf and Shadow Lass leap out of the ship but immediately hear Brainiac-5's voice telling them to hit the deck. They keep going then they hear him again and they get down just as a laser blast almost cuts them in half. They return to the ship and find Brainiac-5 still on Ruzicka on the monitor, he is responding to Colossal Boy's signal. Brainiac figured out it was a trap because Lorca never allows any of his officers to be taken alive. Brainiac tells them that he will plan their strategy.

They see tanks out side getting ready to attack but Brainiac tells them that Lorca wants the ship so he won't blow it apart. Brainy has Shadow Lass black out the area so the tank can not see but they can see them by the glow of the headlights. Colossal Boy blasts them with the photon ray. As this is going on Superboy has received the emergency call and he is zooming toward Vanylack IV. At the enemy camp one of Lorca men confirm to the Marshal that Brainiac-5 is sending orders to the Legion. He orders them to Jam Brainiac-5's sub space frequency and to adjust the electronic voice duplicator to imitate his voice. Lorca boast that he will show them real strategy.
     The Fake Brainiac-5 tells the Legion to take the offensive, that a surprise frontal attack will force them to flee. The team debate this for a minute but decides that if Brainiac thinks it will work they might as well go ahead and do it. The real Brainiac was feeling helpless thing that his team would be slaughtered. Having faith in what they thought were orders from the smartest member of the legion the fly off using their legion flight rings and boldly entered the trap in front of them. Ion cannons to the right, Distruptors to the left and blasters dead ahead. The enemy fires at the team. Lorca orders the rear batteries to fire behind them to cut off any retreat. His flunky reports they are to retreating. Lorca orders them to fire on the rock formations to prevent them from taking cover. The flunky tells him they're not seeking cover. Lorca is looking at the map to determine how best to deal with them, when a Giant fist of Colossal boy hits the ground. He is being shot at by disruptor's but is determined to get his hands on Lorca. Shadow Lass uses her powers to black out an area and takes out a couple of more soldiers. Timber Wolf is going berserk leveling several Khunds. The team over comes the odds and the Khunds retreat just as Superboy arrives. The three heroes are injured but are pissed at Brainiac-5 for ordering them into a death trap. Superboy explains that hey were tricked by Lorca. They realize that Lorca is missing, the Marshall is sneaking into the Legion's ship planning to kill them when they return to the ship. The fusion tanks that were ruptured in the earlier battle have been building pressure this whole time and explodes taking out the Legion Cruiser along with Lorca. Superboy says if Lorca did not trick the team into leaving the ship it would of been the 3 heroes that died and not Lorca.

Roll Call:
  • Superboy
  • Shadow Lass
  • Colossal Boy
  • Timber Wolf
  • Brainiac-5
Planets Visited
  • Ruzicka
  • Vanylack IV
Legion Equipment
  • Cruiser
  • Flight Rings
  • Marshal Lorca
  • Khunds
If page numbers are off blame Dc they stop putting them on the bottom of the pages.
  • Mon-El is shown on the cover and while he is mentioned he does not appear.
Page 2:
  • Timber Wolf pulls the classic Chess move by kicking over the board.
Page 3:
  • Nice shot of Colossal Boy growing to operate two stations at the same time. Good use of his powers.
  • We see the gauge that shows the fusion pressure, hmm will that be a thing later, not sure. (Sound of Chekhov gun loading.)
Page 4:
  • Only Brainiac-5 would be excited about having to out think one of the Galaxy military commanders.
  • Again they borrow the enterprise's transporter,
Page 5:
  • Where does Lorca get his outfit from the local "Bondage are Us" store?

Page 7:
  • Brainiac is able to lead them from remote. If he can do that why does he need to leave the HQ every week, it is not like he can fight,
Page 8:
  • Shadow Lass blacks out the area, it is the only thing she can do but at least it is helpful.
  • Superboy is racing towards Vanvlack IV but some how I think he will be late.
Page 9
  • Brainiac looking frantic and helpless (just a normal day for our walking computer)
  • Our heroes fly into a Suicide trap that just happens to work out and saves their lives.
Page 10
  • Lorca's biggest mistake is thinking that the 3 Legionnaires are smart enough to retreat or take cover, but he gives them way too much credit. If Brainiac-5 tells them it is a good Idea to take a bath with a plugged in hair dryer they would do it.
  • Like the panel of Timber wolf acting like an animal, (truth in advertising.)
Page 11:
  • Who shows up when the battle is over, why just one of the most powerful beings in the universe, The stranger from the planet Krypton, the Boy of Steel, Superboy. Where were you 5 minutes ago? Getting donuts?
  • Like the panel of the Legion ship blowing up with the words around the explosion.

This was another good issue. Quickly gets Superboy out of the way and focuses on the lesser heroes. I like that the Khund are reintroduced in this issue. While here they look just like pointy eared humans later they take on a more alien like appearance. I do like the mention of Thanagar in the story. Thanagar is the home planet to the silver age Hawkman and Hawk Girl. At this time in my reading I do not believe that the Legion's writers used planets that showed up in the mainstream DC Universe. The fact that it is used here reminds the reader that this is part of an overall universe, even that it is set 1000 years in the future.

Next Time the introduction of my favorite non member character.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Karate Kid # 2

Karate Kid # 2 Cover dated June 1976, Cover price .30 Cents

"The International Dooms of Major Disaster" Barry Jameson Writer, Ric Estrada & Joe Staton Artists, Joe Orlando Editor.

Val Armorr goes to PS 38 in lower Manhattan looking for School teacher Iris Jacobs. Val is looking for a confident and a place to stay. Iris still has a hard time believing that Val is from the 30th century. Val even shows her his 30th century credit card and she still does not believe him. Out of know where a tidal wave heads down 43rd street. Val grabs Iris and leaps to safety. They ponder on how this catastrophe can happen just out of the blue and who is responsible. The answer to that question is Major Disaster, riding on a water spout with 2 of his henchmen. He declares that the United nations must vacate it headquarters in the United States with in three hours or face total destruction. Val Leaps on to Major Disaster's craft and Disaster is pleased that a super hero is facing him, Major Disaster uses his control stick that brings a meteorite down on our hero. Using all of his train Val destroy the meteorite with a power full kick. The force of the blow knocks Val off of the sled and he lands in a water filled barrel. As he climbs out he is surrounded by Major Force's men. It takes Val very little time and he defeats the thugs just in time for the police to drag them all down to the police station. Later the news is reporting that Karate Kid, is a  hero from the 30th century . Major Disaster is watching from his headquarters with his employers representatives from Nurike who hired Disaster to drive the U.N. out of the united states to enforce their "America for American" philosophy. Major Disaster ensures him that when he takes on a contract he carries it out.
   Outside the midtown police station Val is surround by reporters when he is saved by Iris who leads him into a Taxi. Iris explains that some firemen help her down after Val had to leave and apologies for not believing that he was from the future. Just then a giant crack appears in front of their Taxi cab. And now we have an Earthquake in New York city. The fissures appear to be coming from a building in the distance that is glowing but the building is not affected by the earth quake.  Val tells Iris to stay where she is and he goes off to investigate. Like all women in these types of story Iris does not listen and follows after him. Val finds Major Disaster on the balcony of the glowing building operating his sonic trembulator that will doom the United nations. Val threatens to break every bone in Disaster's body when Iris comes in and distracts the Karate Kid long enough for him to pull the switch on his machine. The Machine causes a master fissure that is heading to the U.N. building, and will topple the building into the east river. Val grabs Iris and jumps off the balcony and bounces off a canopy and then somersaults safely to the ground. Again telling Iris to stay put he runs off towards the U.N. Placing himself between the fissure and the U.N Val gives a might stomp to the ground setting off a counter vibration that stops Major Disaster vibration and sends it back toward Major disaster's building while sealing the fissure as it goes. The vibration causes feedback in the Major's machine and causes it to explode.  In the rubble Val and Iris meet up, Val telling the Red Head school teacher that he still does not have a place to stay and she tells him yes he does.

Wow this is bad. The premise is terrible, American Nazi's hiring a super-Villain to force the United Nation out of America. Wow again. I liked the idea that now that he was in the 20th century, Karate Kid would fight know villains. Major Disaster is a known villain, I think he use to fight Green Lantern or the Flash but I do not know that much about him. I would of liked to see Val up against one of Superman's or Batman's major bad guys, I know Luthor or the Joker would be out of the question but I would of settle for the Riddler or the Prankster. As I said the last time we covered an Issue of Karate Kid , I do not recall much about the series but if this is typical I thing I might just give a quick mention of the issues at the bottom of my Monthly Legion posts until The Legion appears in the book again or another Major guest star shows up, I think Robin is in an issue at the end of the run.

Next time Superboy 217.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Superboy # 216 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes " 1 + 1 = 3"

"1+1=3" Story Cary Bates. Art Mike Grell

Chuck Taine the former Legionnaire called Bouncing Boy is walking in the park with his doubly sexy wife Lournu Taine, Duo Damsel, when they are accosted by a couple of thugs. The thugs are from a gang called the rampagers, a gang Chuck put away when he still had his Bouncing Boy powers. Chuck gets taken out quickly so Lournu splits into two and saves his fat ass. One of the damsel's is stuck with a poison ring but does not notice it right before she puts the last guy down. Lournu rejoins her two halves and she and the luckiest man in the the 30th century walk and talk abit. Chuck is complaining about how useless he is since he lost his powers, (come on Chuck you were pretty lame with them) and that there was a time he could of taken those two without breathing hard. All he would have to do is inflate his body and bounce them into submission. Lournu tries to be a good wife and lies to him saying that he will always have the wits and courage that made him a Legionnaire. Lournu complains about her arm starts to feel faint and goes to get a drink of water from a nearby fountain while Chuck notices that it is the same arm she used to block that hood's punch earlier. The hood could of used a spiked ring to drug Lournu, (he did). The double D dare Doll rejoins her rotund hubby by the entrance to the play ground and quickly passes out. Chuck picks up his wife and is ambushed by four more of the rampagers, it is now dark and with no one else around Chuck thinks that he and his wife will never leave the park alive. (Way to be positive chunky.) Four to one against him and the only weapons he has is a few rubber balls left in the play ground. He throws one hard but misses his foes, and the thugs laugh at him. But the ball was thrown so hard it ricochets off the walls and knocks two to the thugs out. Please with himself until he see a thug on his knees with a knife to Lournu's pretty neck. But from nowhere a rubber ball covers the knife. The thug looks up to see a second Lournu kicking him in the face. The fourth rampager id distracted and Chuck tackles him from behind using all of his massive weight against the man. Chuck asks Lournu about how she did not get knocked out like the other Lournu. She explains that when his back was turned while she was getting a drink she split into two before the drug affected her other side. Chuck is pleased with him self and his wives and they go home to have a 3 way.

Chuck and Lournu Taine (ex Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel)

Page 1:
  • Chuck and Lournu out walking in Paradise park when they get attacked by some thugs.
Page 2:
  • The Street gang called the Ramapagers get the crap kicked out them by Duo Damsel while Chuck lies helpless on the ground.
Page 3
  • One of the thugs drug Lournu, I thought Chuck had been doing that for years.
Page 4:
  • Lournu passes out.
Page 5:
  • Chuck gets lucky and takes a couple of the Rampagers out.
Page 6:
  • Lournu, who split in two earlier comes in and saves Chuck sorry ass again.
I made some jokes but this is one of the better back up stories in this run. I liked seeing the ex-Legionnaires in action again. And of course it featured one of my favorite Legion members, Duo Damsel, proof if a Fat guy like Bouncing Boy can marry a Hottie like that there is hope for me.

Next time Karate Kid # 2

Monday, January 7, 2013

Superboy # 216 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes

Superboy # 216 Cover Dated apr 1976, Cover Price .30 cents (price went up)
"The Hero who hated the Legion" Story: Cary Bates, Art: Mike Grell
58 years ago a sizable fortune in rare gems were stolen and hidden in a satellite that was launched into orbit with no one but the gang who stole it knowing about it. Today in the 30th century the last of the gang confesses and Satellite falls from orbit to the Island nation of Marzal. Marzal is an independent self sufficient community populated entirely by a black race that wants nothing to do with the outside world. The Legion in their Cruiser head for Marzal just before they touch down they noticed the Betas on of the most notorious gang in the galaxy flying via jet packs over the city. The beta's must be looking for the Gems just as the Legion. Superboy , Brainiac-5, Karate Kid and Shadow Lass fly out of the ship to take on the Betas. Just before they can engage they here an ear piercing sound, and before them the Betas jet packs burst into flames. Not wanting to leave the crooks to fall to their death Superboy and Karate Kid race towards the criminals. Just before they get there they hair another indistinguishable noise. Suddenly the Betas are encased in bubbles floating in air. Not sure what is happening they spot the Beta's ship coming to rescue their partners. Out of nowhere a fast flying form in a white costume appears flying at the beta's ship. The Betas fire their Dual Mega blasters at him but he makes another of those weird noises and a force field appears. He makes another yell and the Betas ship is flung from the island city. The legionnaires are impress and think he would make a good member of the team. They ask him if he wants to join but the unnamed man yells again and teleports away. Soon the for heroes roam Marzal in search of the fallen probe when on the giant screen is a pre recorded visit tape from the mysterious hero. His name is Tyroc and he is telling his people not to help the four Legionnaires, for the Legion has ignored them whenever they were in trouble. Tyroc says it is because of their skin color that does not make them important enough. Racial prejudice died out years ago but perhaps the Legion is behind the times he tells his people. The Legion are astonished that they are being called racists, but before  they can do anything Karate Kid has Superboy follow him to where a sky bridge is collapsing, the tow make short work of the debris. Bu the good people of Marzal are not impressed and give them a hard time. All this time Tyroc's message is still playing telling the people of Marzal about the Betas and that he will take them into custody. While this is happening two Beta's are spying on the Legion. The Legion track the Gem's using a Gem Scanner that Brainiac-5 developed. But before the Team can get there the beta's find the probe they open it and it releases deadly radiation from being in space all of these years. One Beta still concouius spots the legion flying in the distance but they cannot see what is happening. The Beta opens is mouth but no sound comes out. All of a sudden Superboy turns and has the rest follow him to the stricken Beta's and the probe. Superboy has Shadow Lass cover the jewels with her shadow temporary stopping the radiation and Superboy throws the probe out of this world. 3 of the 4 Beta were too close to the radiation and they are now dead the 3 is revealed to be Tyroc in disguise. He used his super power to contact Superboy and let him know what was going on. Tyroc realizes that the Legion is not so bad and decides to see if he can Qualify to become a Legionnaire.

Roll Call:
  • Superboy
  • Brainiac-5
  • Karate Kid
  • Shadow Lass
  • Cosmic Boy
  • Tyroc
Legion Equipment
  • Cruiser
  • Flight Ring
  • Gem Scanner
Page 1:
  • Great splash page  showing Tyrok and the people of Marzal throwing rocks at the Legion.
Page 2:
  • Cosmic boy in his chest baring uniform explaining about the Gems and the probe.
Page 4:
  • We get exposition about Marzal, it being a city populated entirely by black people, which explains why we have never seen any black people in 30th century earth.
  • The beta's are black suit jet pack wearing crooks.
Page 5:
  • The Legion hear strange noises doing strange things.
Page 6:
  • Tyroc makes a great entrance. This is a great drawing of a silly costume.

Page 7:
  • Tyroc TV
Page 8:
  • We get to see the grateful citizens of Marzal, tell the legion to get the hell off their Island.
Page 9:
  • Of course Brainiac-5 just happens to have a gadget to find the missing Gems.
Page 11:
  • Darkness stopping radiation, not so sure about that.
Page 12:
And of course Tyroc is now all buddy buddy with the legion and wants to join up.

I always liked this story and was disappointed that Tyroc was not used more often He makes only two more major appearances in this title and is not used regularly until the 5 year Later Legion in the 90's.

Next time the 2nd tale of this issue starring my favorite threesome Duo Damsel and Bouncing Boy. And I leave you with another Hostess Ad featuring Batman and Robin

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Karate Kid # 1

Karate Kid # 1 Cover Dated April 1976, Cover Price .25
"My World begins in Yesterday" Paul Levitz Writer, Ric Estrada and Joe Staton Artists, Joe Orlando editor. Mike Grell cover artist.
Karate Kid is battling Nemesis Kid, the villain who can counter any heroes power. Nemesis Kid is countering Karate Kid with a force shield that explodes knocking the kid down. Nemesis boast that soon he will adapt a new power and finish him off. When the Legion Time Bubble arrives and allows Nemesis to vanish. Mon-El, Brainiac-5, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad jump out of the bubble. They chastise him for not telling them what century that he was following Nemesis kid to. Karate Kid tells them because he did not want any of them to follow him. and it was their fault that he escaped. Nemesis can only teleport away when faced with more than one foe. They bicker among themselves for a bit and Mon-El berates him for coming back by himself with no special powers. This piss the Kid off and he tries to punch Mon-El and fails. Karate Kid explains that they all have special powers but he had to train himself every day to develop his abilities and that someone like Mon-El can't understand emotions like Fear or Pride and he can't understand him. The Legion turn away from the Kid and return to the Time bubble to begin their journey back to the 30th Century. Back in present day New York, police officers are giving him a hard time thinking that he is part of a movie shoot. The Kid leaves them and flies away using his Legion flight ring. But shortly the flight ring stops working and Karate Kid enters a window three stories up. He scares a knock out red head in glasses and tosses his ring away. He tells her he just wanted to retrieve some of his things on the roof. The red head introduces herself as Iris Jacobs a school teacher in the building. The Kid reflects that the schools he went to where nothing like this and that he would of loved this place. On the roof Karate Kid notices that his time bubble is missing and that only Nemesis kid could of stolen it. Nemesis kid left him a chronal energy detector to trace the bubble but he knows he will be walking into a trap. Iris gives him a bus token after he asks for a air car. On the street he notices that someone is carrying a 30th century blaster walking the street. The hood fires the weapon at the kid and he disarms him and then goes all Bruce Lee on the guys ass. The guy who was not Nemesis Kid weapon has a label on it saying it was manufacture by a company called Future Tech. Shortly after he finds himself out side the future tech's building. The chornal readings are so high that the time bubble must be in the building somewhere. Using his ability he smashes the Bedrock solid Quartz that looks like glass into pieces. Waiting for him are 7 highly skilled martial art fighters, while each of them are skilled in one discipline, Val Armorr The Karate Kid has been trained since birth in all manners of martial arts. After dispensing with his welcoming party the Kid smashes int the elevator shaft and starts to climb up using the cables. The shaft is mined with Laser turrets and while the kids avoids most of them one destroys a boot and injures a foot. Ignoring the pain Karate Kid continues on. He leaves the shaft and finds himself in a door less hallway, so he leaps into the air and cracks open the ceiling. He is now face to face with Nemesis Kid. They trade threats for a minute and Nemesis power turns his body into steel. Avoiding the machine parts being thrown at him Val pulls the rug out from under his foe knocking into the banks of computers destroying them. Val Leaps at Nemesis but he catches him and throws him out the window. Val uses his skill and using his toes stops his decent. Some how Val is able to propel himself back through the window but Nemesis avoids him. Nemesis powers adapt into nuclear bursts and he starts firing them at Karate Kid. But Val much quicker and agile manages to dodge them and knock nemesis out. Feeling better than he has in years about being a Hero Val recovers his time bubble and leaves a note on the sleeping body of his enemy and sends the Bubble and Nemesis Kid BACK TO THE FUTURE, while Val starts a new life for himself in the 20th Century.

Wow, this was interesting, in a what the hell is going on kind of way. I am going to skip Page by page on this one and just get to my likes and dislikes.

Guest stars
  • Brainiac-5
  • Saturn Girl
  • Lightning Lad
  • Mon-El
  • Nemesis Kid
  • Karate Kid featured in his own book. One of my favorite members of the team off on his own good concept, not sure if it was handled correctly.
  • Paul Levitz as writer. While the story is messed up, this is Paul's first time writing any of the Legion characters and  one day he would write the team better than anyone, but you have to start somewhere.
  • Iris Jacob, they introduced her here and she seems like she will be a good supporting character for Val, that and I have a thing for red heads.
  • Nemesis Kid as a villain is a good choice he debut at the same time as Karate Kid and I always thought they made good foes for each other.
  • Limited use of the Legion,
  • We are all over the place, story wise. We open in the 20th century and we are not even told that is where we are.
  • Nemesis Kid's power is to adapt to any foe he fights but he just develops random powers.
  • The Legion being dicks to Karate Kid.
  • This was mostly one huge fight scene trying to capitalize on the Bruce Lee martial art craze.
  • The Art. Estrada and Staton are great Artist and I cannot draw to save my life but coming from the Grell Legion stuff to this is a bit of a let down, the style look a bit more cartoon like than I enjoy.
  • Superboy on the cover and he never makes an appearance inside.

My dislikes aside I do remember enjoying these as a kid and I do own all 15 issues so we might continue with this for a while but with probably shorter synopsis.

Next time Superboy # 216 the debut of a new Hero.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Superboy # 215 Starring the Legion of Super-heroes

"The Hero who wouldn't Fight" Story By: Jim Shooter, Art by Mike Grell & Bill Draut
Planet Kar Zagas and out of the way Planetoid, Current population 227 cutthroats, thieves and Villains and one Legionnaire. Disguised as Radako, expert marksman, assassin for hire, Chameleon Boy infiltrates the Citadel only to find out he is expected and zapped by the Emerald Empress's Emerald Eye. The Emerald Empress acting without the Fatal five has taken over the citadel and is forming a criminal army to take back her home world of Vengar. She blasts Chameleon boy and has her men lock him up in a special cell and take his flight ring. A short while later the in a Legion Cruiser gets the signal it has been waiting for and Ultra boy acting as the leader transport a group of Legionnaires all except Cosmic boy to the planet's surface. Cosmic Boy is left behind because this is the one day of the year that people of his planet Braal are forbidden to use their magnetic powers.
Seconds after they beam down Light Lass beams back  and tells him it was a trap the others were captured and she barley escaped. She pleads with Cosmic boy to take them by surprise with his Super Magnetism. Cosmic Boy refuses due to his people's beliefs. If he used his power he would dishonor his whole family for generations and lose his own self respect. Light Lass continue to plead asking him to save her brother's Lightning Lad's life. She badgers him for a little bit until he tells her to shut up and slaps her.
 Cosmic Boy says he can not use his powers but he will fight and die like a Legionnaire. He beams down leaving Light Lass to think she goaded him into suicide. Cosmic Boy sneaks into to the citadel thanks to his Legion Flight ring and finds the Legionnaires locked up in glass like cubes. Ultra Boy says that the cells drain their powers but that Cosmic boy can blast them from out outside. Cosmic Boy tries to lift the quadrostat but he can not, just as the guards come in the quadrostat flies into Ultra Boy's cell and frees him. A missile is fired and cosmic boy leaps in front of it to buy time so that Ultra Boy and free, Sun Boy, Shadow Lass, Lightning Lad, Chameleon Boy and Colossal Boy. The villains flee knocking down the Emerald Empress allowing the team to capture her. Cosmic Boy lies dying on the floor and the others wonder why he did not use his powers to save his life since he used them to free Ultra boy. Sun Boy tells them that he did not use his powers, he found Cosmic Boy's flight ring in the wreckage of the Quadrostat he must of put in inside of it and used it to fly into the wall. He kept his honor till the end. Ultra Boy talks to the Empress and asks her to use her Eye to save Cosmic Boy's life. She says she will compile as ling as they let her go. The team tell him not to trust her, but Ultra Boy tells the others to let her go and she vanishes. But shortly after Cosmic boy comes around.
Roll Call:
  • Chameleon Boy
  • Cosmic Boy
  • Colossal Boy
  • Sun Boy
  • Ultra Boy
  • Lightning Lad
  • Light Lass
  • Shadow Lass
  • The Emerald Empress
Planets Visited:
  • Kar Zargas
Legion Equipment:
  • Cruiser
  • Flight Ring
  • Transporter
Page 1:
  • We get a good look at the worst costume in Legion history, Cosmic Boy's Black bare chested suit.
  • Chameleon tries to sneak in but gets caught.
Page 2:
  • The Emerald Empress and her Emerald Eye.
Page 3:
  • The Legion stole one of Star trek transporters
  • Cosmic Boy cannot use his powers because of cultural beliefs,
Page 4:
  • Light Lass tries to guilt Cosmic Boy into helping.
  • Cosmic Boy smacks a Bitch.
Page 6:
  • Cosmic Boy frees Ultra Boy with out using his powers and then gets blasted.
Page 8:
  • The Empress revives Cosmic boy for her own freedom.
Excellent story, we get a first rate villain and two new costumes, Cosmic Boy's and Colossal Boy's. Cosmic Boy stays around for a while but Colossal boy reverts back to his old uniform in a year or two.

Next Time Karate Kid # 1

Superboy # 215 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes

Superboy # 215 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes Cover dated March 1976, Cover Price .25 Cents.
" The Final Eclipse of Sun Boy" Story: Cary Bates Art: Mike Grell

Superboy, Sun Boy and Element Lad are returning to earth from a mission in space, as they approach the planet they activate the Intra-Warp adapter that allows them to shift to a different dimensional plane, so they can land their Cruiser on Bgztl. Bgztl the home of Phantom Girl Tinya Wazzo where every one has the same phantom like powers. Bgztl occupies the same space as earth but it is in a different dimension. Phantom Girl and her brother Gmya were leaving the court complex where she was just named the star witness in a case against assassin Ron-Vizl. She was witness him killing a man with a gun designed to kill phantoms, she moved in to stop him in her phantom form but as he fired the gun she changed to solid and the beam went right through her and she knocked the guy out. Gmya is worried that the assassin's friends will come after her but Tinya tells him she has nothing to worry about, there is no safer place for her than Legion HQ. As she says that the Legion Cruiser lands. Tinya introduces Gmya to Sun Boy and Element Lad but he blows them off and walks away. Crowds of people watch as the Legion members board their ship but know one notices that their are fewer people in the crowd than a moment ago. Back on Earth Brainiac-5 and Saturn Girl as the Cruiser lowers to the ground but just before it can touch down safely it crashes. The hull of the ship turn red-hot  and Superboy, Phantom Girl and Element lad run from the ship. Sun Boy who powers are running wild is whole body surround by flame but his form is all black. Superboy flies in to stop him before Sun Boy accidentally destroys the citadel. He punches the flaming teen but it has no effect. Superboy keeps punching but it only serves to make Sun Boy burn even brighter. Brainiac tells Superboy to stop that he is feeding Sun Boy's power with his super energy. Element Lad steps forward and says he has a plan to stop him. First he uses his element altering powers to change is uniform into Super insulated asbestos and when he get close enough he changes the air around Sun Boy to Nitrogen, knowing that flames can not burn in it. Getting closer he does what Superboy cannot and knocks Sun Boy out.   

They Take Sun Boy inside to examine him and after many exhaustive test Brainiac still does not have a clue to cause of Sun Boy's problem. Superboy comes up with an answer. He brings in his sketch pad and shows a drawing of an eclipse and then a drawing of what causes an eclipse, the moon when it's orbit brings it across the sun's path. So the only logical reason that Sun Boy would become an Human eclipse would be another body is blocking his. Superboy shows his drawing or and eclipse Sun Boy. They determine that a Phantom from Phantom Girl's world stowed away in Sun Boy's body not knowing that the nuclear accident that gave Sun Boy his powers changed his molecular structure fusing the two together. They believe that the stowaway is an assassin out to kill Phantom Girl but have know idea how to free him from Sun Boy. Saturn Girl comes in, her Telepathy has just picked up that someone in the room is about to murder Phantom Girl. At the same instance Sun Boy returns to normal. It is noticed that someone is stealing Brainiac-5's Mega Blaster. But before the Phantom can fire the blaster another Phantom stops him. Phantom Girl recognizes her brother  Gmya as her savior. After they lock up the assassin Gmya explains that he Stowed away in Sun Boy's body and that he did not think he would get out until he saw the assassin reaching for Brainiac's gun from Element Lad's body. That spurred him on will extra will power to break free of Sun Boy 's Molecules. The team praise Gmya saying that he is as brave as his sister. Know all that is left to be down is to explain every thing to Sun Boy.

Bits of Legionnaire Business.
Roll Call:
  • Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo)
  • Superboy
  • Sun Boy
  • Element Lad
  • Brainiac-5
  • Saturn Girl
Planets Visited
  • Bgztl
Legion Equipment:
  • Cruiser
  • Flight Ring
  • Medical Equipment
  • Mega Blaster
Rooms in the headquarters
  • Landing dock
  • Medical bay
First Appearance:
  • Gmya Wazzo (only appearance pre crisis)
Page 2:
  • The Legion cruiser on it's way to earth shifts dimensions and heads to Bgztl the home planet of Phantom Girl
Page 3:
  • We see an assassin kill a fat guy while Phantom Girl watches.
Page 4:
  • After the previously mentioned fat guy is dead, Phantom Girl goes after the killer.
  • Killer shoots PG right in the chest. (that is where I would aim.)
  • Phantom Girl is unharmed and takes care of the assassin.
  • Gmya is a dick to the other Legion Members.
Page 5:
  • Saturn Girl has own the wrong boots.
  • Not sure who is driving but remind me not to lend him my car.
Page 6:
  • Sun Boy turns all dark and burns every thing.
Page 7:
  • Superboy can not stop him but Element Lad can?
Page 8:
  • Superboy is an artist and he draws like Mike Grell.
  • I know this was written in the 70's but couldn't Superboy use something a little bit more high tech that a sketch book to show off his theory?
Page 9:
  • Saturn Girl, now in the correct boots does what all telepath's do, state the obvious.
  • The assassin takes Brainy's gun? Since when does Brainiac carry a gun, this issue is the first and last that we see a holster attached to his belt.
Page 10:
  • With all of the heroes around to save the day, who takes out the villain, the brother that we will never ever see again.
Okay, I had some problems with this story but lets talk about what I liked.
  • Show Phantom Girl's home planet was nice, especially how they got there.
  • The introduction of another Legion sibling, one that we will never use again.
  • That Bates is able to do what other DC writers can not, have Superboy in the story and not have him save the day. Superboy was not able to stop crazed Sun Boy, Element Lad did. Superboy did not stop the assassin, Phantom Brother did. The old Justice league stories had a problem with having Superman in a story and not have his save the day, the Legion writers do a lot better job at that.
  • Element Lad's changing the colors of his costume.
Now to what I did not like.
  • Another story where we do not get a good villain, the Legion has an exceptional Rouge gallery (Universo, Fatal Five, Mordru, Dr. Regulas.) but we hardly ever see them, thank fully the 2nd story in this issue has good villain.
  • A Phantom hiding in a body, this something that we have not seen before and will not again.
  • Bates needed a gun in the story so he added one to the costume of Brainiac-5 and there was no reason for this. Wish he did a added a little exposition and had Brainiac say he was wearing it because of the assassin that was out for Phantom Girl.
  • A non Legionnaire stopping the villain.
Next time the 2nd story of this issue where we have an old villain, two new costumes (one that does not last and the other the worst Legion costume of all time) and a Hero smacking a woman.
I will leave you with another hostess ad this time starring the worlds mightiest mortal.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Superboy # 214 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes "Stay small or Die!"

Superboy # 214 "Stay Small or Die!" Story: Cary Bates, Art: Mike Grell and Bill Draut.
Salu Digby; Shrinking violet is hooked up to the video dream scanner and it shows her dreaming of being squashed by a giant monster. Brainiac-5 and Saturn girl are monitoring the scanner. Violet is convinced a monster will trample her if she shrinks her self down again. This all began with an accident in the gym when she was almost crushed by Sun Boy's boot when she was three inches tall. Saturn Girl tells Brainiac not to underestimate the power of the human mind. In Violet's condition, Saturn girl warns that finding herself reduced might be a shock she may never regain her normal size.
Violet gets unplugged from the machine and asks how the examine went, Brainiac side steps the question and sends her off to get something to eat. When Salu is gone Brainiac asks what would happen if he hypnotized her with his beamer. Saturn Girl tells him that she was telepathically linked with her during the mind session and she sensed her sanity is hanging on by thread that could break under the slightest stress. Brainiac-5 tells her that is a problem and if she does not snap out off it soon Shrinking Violet might have to quit the Legion.
Disregarding Saturn Girl's suggestion Brainiac lets him self into Shrinking Violet's quarters while she is sleeping and uses his Hypno-Beamer to have her do and say as he commands. Brainiac leads her to the Landing Deck atop the headquarters and gets her inside a cruiser. Knowing that the others would not approve of what he plans he leaves discretely. Ultra Boy and Colossal Boy are on monitor duty and note that Brainiac is authorized to take the ship. Brainiac-5 heads the ship to the planet Klorra a perfect spot for Violet's recovery he thinks to himself. Brainiac's plan is to have her come out of the trance and make himself scarce and monitor how she reacts to an Imaginary giant menace that he will project with his Illusion Meter. A little later Violet wakes up not sure where she is and finds herself three feet tall on a giant table shrunk against her will. A panic stricken Violet hears an awful sound followed by a robot creature more frightful than her worst nightmare. The creature is ejecting some sort of glob onto her, she tries to evade but loses her balance and starts to fall, she tries to use her flight ring but it is too late and she is covered in the glob. Brainiac-5 who is also covered in glop is remorse full that his plan to help violet got them in this situation. He picked Klorra because it was a planet once inhabited by giants who were wiped out years ago after a terrible plague. He thinks he should of listened to Saturn Girl and not tamper with Violet's mind. But he figured it would help if she mad her think she was small by putting her among these huge pieces. What he did not figure on was an automated "Pet" left behind by a Klorran. He got trapped before he could use is illusion Meter. The robot was programmed to collect and dispose of refuse and it mistook Violet and himself as scraps. All of a sudden the robot short circuits disabling it self. Violet appears crawling out of its computerized brain after crossing the circuits. She explained when the Robot forced her off the travel the air currents did not slow up her fall like they should have if she were only a few inches tall which made her realize she was still normal sized. So she quickly shrank down and slip from the glodpand disable the robot. Brainiac thanks her for saving his life and Violet thanks her for teaching her no matter how small you are, if you have confidence in yourself, you're 10 feet tall.

Bits of Legionnaire business:
Roll Call:
  • Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby)
  • Brainiac-5
  • Saturn Girl
  • Colossal Boy
  • Ultra Boy
Places in the Headquarters
  • Medical Lab
  • Monitor Room
  • Shrinking Violet's Quarters
  • Landing Deck
Equipment used.
  • Video Dream Scanner
  • Hypno Beamer
  • Cruiser Lx-4
  • Flight Ring
  • Illusion Meter
Planets Visited
  • Klorra
Robots Killed: 1

Page 1:
  • Violet is hooked up to a dream scanner, would this not come in handy for dream girl when she has a dream and is trying to figure out what it means, but no I do not think this equipment is ever used again.
Page 2:
  • Brainiac does not answer Violets question and just sends her off for food.
  • Grell draws a hot looking Saturn Girl.
Page 3:
  • Stalker B-5 breaks into Shrinking Violet's bedroom
Page 5:
  • Probably not the first time Shrinking Violet has had goo ejected on her.
  • Well Brainy this is another fine mess you have gotten us into.
Page 6:
  • Dead Robot
This is an okay story not as good as the first in this issue, but it has one of my favorite troupes of Legion Comics, For being such a Smart Man Brainiac-5 does some really stupid things.

I know I usually do Member Profiles in separate posts but I thought I would do a quick one here on this stories spot light Character:
Member Profile: Shrinking Violet

    Real Name: Salu Digby
    Home Planet: Imsk
    Known Relatives: Arn Digby (Father)
    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 105 lbs
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Blue
    Boy friend: Duplicate Boy
    1st App: Action Comics 276
    Created By: Jerry Seigel and Jim Mooney
    Powers: To shrink down to subatomic level

    Shrinking Violet like all members of her race has the power to alter her size to as small as an atom. Violet is a long time member of the team but has been used sparingly over the years, at this point in Legion History she is known for being Duplicate boy's girl Friend and for being the object of a Crush from Colossal Boy. Like most members of team she is fleshed out more in latter runs, Like being and expect in hand to hand combat and changing her sexual orientation, but that is a ways away.
    Currently She is a member of the Espionage Squad.

    Next time:
    Superboy # 215 where we visit a members home world and meet a Legion Sibling.

Superboy # 214 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes

Superboy # 214, Cover dated January 1976, Cover Price .25 cents.
"No Price too High" Story Jim Shooter, Art Mike Grell.
The Planet Gyrich a factory world whose surface is covered by one enormous manufacturing complex. Every thing is automated even the security patrols. Hidden from the robotic patrols in a shadow are 5 Legionnaires. Superboy, Brainiac-5, Karate Kid, Shadow Lass and Wildfire. Once the robot is passed Shadow Lass drops her shadow and the team go about their mission to fix the malfunctioning defense computer. Superboy spots something with his super-vision and takes to the air without telling his teammates. Brainiac-5 tries to tell him that he will be spotted by radar but either the does not hear him or he ignores his teammate. Superboy is rushing to intercept a one man ship that is about to enter the planets air space. In a burst of speed Superboy wraps the young pilot in his indestructible cape and takes him out of the ship just as a blast destroys the ship just as it has to every other ship that approached the planet in the last two months. Superboy brings the pilot to the other Legion members and removes his cape. The pilot a boy complains that Superboy wrinkled his suit and was being quite the brat. He tells the team that his father Leland Macauley owns the planet and that he was bored with school and "borrowed" on of his father's speedsters to visit the planet. Wildfire goes off on the kit telling him that the planet's auto defense have go haywire and that the planet has been sealed off for months. At the same time one of the security robots has noticed the team hiding in the pump house, and reports it and is ordered to vaporize the Pump house. Just when it was about to carry out the command Karate Kid who was scouting the area puts a fist through the robots metal chest. This brings more robots that Wildfire destroys with his anti energy. Hiding in the shadows again the team discuss completing their mission and decide that they will have to take young McCauley with them. Not wanting any of that the kid leaves the hiding place determined to talk to the robots saying that they will listen to him. Despite thinking that they should just let the robots kill the kid Superboy flies out and takes an energy blast that was meant for the child. The team comes out of hiding and destroys more robots but one of them takes the kid and tells them to stop or it will kill the child. The team surrenders and is placed in a small cubicle in the central control complex where they await the Overseer. Brainy tells them that the last human overseer was dismissed 5 years ago. The overseer arrives saying that he was fired by Leland McCauley III that he was not needed any longer. He had begged McCauley to let him stay on with no pay but the owner would not let him. But the Overseer knew the security system better than anyone and so after a couple of years he made his way back in and took over the system. The overseer being quite mad tells the team that know one will force him to leave again that he is number one, and they need to be eliminates. Wildfire threatens the man but the overseer tells them that he has their young friend under guard and if they try to escape he will be killed. But if the Legion cooperates and lets him kill them he will let the boy go, to reveal that the Planet is now his. The madman cackles on how this will be sweet revenge on McCauley for firing him and walks off. The Legion realizes that the Overseer does not know that the boy is McCauley's son and if he did he would murder him. Superboy using his "Super Ventriloquism" power tells the boy not to mention who his father is that if he tells the robots or the Overseer who he is that they would kill him. With all of the logic of a young boy he decides to do the opposite of what he was told and tells the robot guards to call their boss. Superboy eavesdropping with his super hearing tells the team that the kid is going to tell the Overseer who he is. Wildfire ever the example of rational thinking says they should let him and that they would have an easier time getting out of here without them. The Karate Kid kind of agrees saying that they would not even have to fight their way out the Overseer would be so happy that he would let them go. Not wanting to here any of this Superboy shoves Wildfire. Being tired of Superboy's shit Wildfire blasts him with anti-energy. Superboy walks through the blast as if nothing is happening slams Wildfire up against the wall and tells the hot head to start acting like a Legionnaire. The Overseer arrives at the boy's cell and just when he is about to tell him who he is Wildfire traumatizes the kids vocal cords with an unseen beam of energy. This should leave him speech less for a minute or so. Superboy and Wildfire have a kumbaya moment and shake hands.
  The Overseer brings our heroes and the kid to the spaceport deck of the control center to execute them and after that he will let the boy go. The kid is happy that the Legion will be killed for they were mean to him. The boy notices that the shuttle that the Overseer is going to put him in is named after his father and says so. Realizing that he has the man who ruined his life child in his clutches he points a laser gun at the kids head. Superboy spouts empty threats at the Overseer but he is determined to kill the child. Superboy distracts him with some gibberish about the Legion's sacred honor and about letting the Overseer blast them if he lets the kid go. The Overseer lets his grip on the child go, and the scared kid bites him in the hand. This allows the team the fraction of a second that they need to destroy more robots  and for Karate Kid to Kick the Overseer in the face. The boy sobs on to Shadow Lass's chest and tells them that he wants to go home. Brainiac-5 goes to the control room and brings the place back to normal. The kid thanks the team and leaves in his father's shuttle. Shadow Lass asks if Superboy was willing to sacrifice them all for the sake of the kid. Superboy tells her that he offered to let him blasts us, "I did not say that we would die."

Bits of Legionnaire business:
Roll Call:
  • Superboy
  • Brainiac-5
  • Karate Kid
  • Shadow Lass
  • Wildfire
Planet visited:
  • Gyrich
Robots Killed: 11
Page 2:
  • Team hiding in one of Shadow Lass's shadows. (not the last time this story)
Page 3
  • Superboy saves ungrateful kid.
  • Kid last name is McCauley, I find this interesting since this came out about 5 years before the birth of McCauley Caulkin, and they both are annoying brats.
Page 4:
  • 6 robots killed
Page 5:
  • Hiding in Shadow Lass's shadow again.
  • Kid not listening and almost killed (I wish Superboy was slower)
Page 6:
  • 3 More robots killed.
Page 7:
  • The Overseer makes his appearance and he is stark raving mad.
Page 8:
  • Super-ventriloquism Yeah I mean boo! Last blog I mentioned my least favorite Superboy Power Super-hypnotism this time my 2nd least favorite power.
  • Young McCauley doing exactly what Superboy told him not to do.
  • Wildfire and Karate Kid think it is okay to let the boy die.
Page 9:
  • Superboy has had enough of Wildfire's crap.
  • Superboy and Wildfire kiss and make up. (no slash fiction please)
Page 10:
  • First good think the Kid ever does biting the Overseer.
Page 11:
  • More robot homicide.
  • The kid is not as stupid as I thought.


Interesting story, I originally thought this was the first appearence of Leland McCauley IV, but this does not add up. The boy is never named he is just Identified as Leland McCauley III's son. When we see IV years later in the Legion run he is older than the heroes, the boy here might be a younger brother to the one we see later. This issuse shows us some of the conflict that Wildfire has with other team Members most noticably Superboy, this is great character building it shows us that not all of the heroes are made out of a cookie cutter. Shadow Lass and Brainiac-5 are prettly much useless in the story, I can see the need for Brainy he is the only one smart enought to reprogram the computers but their is no need for Shadow Lass, she provides a couple of shadows and give the kid a chest to sob on to. All in all a good read.

Recently the company who makes the Hostess snack products went out of buisness, in honor of them I am posting the Hostess Ad that ran in this issue, I might make it a regular feature but they only continue to run for about a year or two from where we are in the time line. Not sure if they do this ad but if you want to here a couple of great podcasters acting out hostess ads check out two true freaks, they act these out in several episodes of Back to Bins and Tales of the JSA, I recommend the shows.

Also in the Super talk Letters page they note that on November 11 1975 the first issue of Karate Kid will hit the stands, I will cover it and maybe the first 5 or so issues but I will not cover the whole series (I do not have a complete run of them and as I recall they are not that good, but I could be wrong.)

Next time the 2nd story of Superboy # 214 "Stay Small or Die" by Cary Bates and Mike Grell.