Monday, August 27, 2012

Member Profile: Colossal Boy

Real Name: Gim Allon
Home Planet: Earth
Height: 6' 2"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Weight: 200 lbs
Known Relatives: Marte Allon (Mother) Wynn Allon (Father)
1st app: Act 267
Created by: Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney
Powers: Size increase.

Notes: Gim Allon of earth gained his powers while on a family vacation when he was struck by a meteorite. Gim has the powers to increase his size and strength proportionately. Gim has been a member in good standing for many years the only black mark on his record came when he was caught giving Legion secrets to the Legion of Super-villains who where holding his parents hostage. Gim and the Legion foiled the plot and rescued his parents. Gim is one of the few Legion Members with out a girl friend, and with powers like his it is a surprise that women are not falling all over him.

Next time issue 203

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Superboy 202 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes "The Wrath of the Devil-Fish!"

"The Wrath of the Devil-Fish!" Story: Cary Bates, Art: Dave Cockrum.
 In the headquarters of the Legion of Super-Heroes, ERG-1 the newest sworn in member of the team uses his Powers to display his new code name " WILDFIRE". The assembled members congratulates him and notes that Superboy, Mon-El, Light Lass, and Element Lad could not be there because they are investigating and alarm that went off in their automated Sea-Station in the pacific. We switch to the scene several hours ago to one of the Legion cruisers docking on the futuristic ocean bound base. The alarm going off means only one thing to the assembled team that there is an intruder on board. While starting the search Mon-El explains that the automated base is run by computers powered by energy drawn from pollutants in the ocean. A second alarm sounds notifying a power shut down. Mon-El orders his squad to the power plant deck. When they get there they find no sign of the intruder but  all of the equipment is covered in bubbles gumming up the power plant's pollutant converter. Element Lad uses his power of altering the molecular structure of any element to analyze the composition of the bubbles but they burst open and stun Element Lad with an explosion. Element lad deduces that the bubbles were composed of strange unknown elements. Superboy finds large inhuman footprints in the bubbles and just as the team were about to follow them the lights go out. Mon-El tells the team that they will have to act quickly with the pollutant converter out of action the area will soon become poisonous again. Superboy using his infra-red vision to see the tracks in the dark leads the team to the end of the deck that leads to the water. They decided that they must be tracking a water being, Element Lad and Light lass don Oxy breathers and the four dive into the ocean. Using telepathic plugs to communicate the team soon catches up with their quarry. A being who is half man half fish.

They surround the creature and it unleashes its deadly bubbles onto our heroes. The man-fish leaves the team to finish what it started the destruction of sea-base. The team awaken covered in bubbles which is sapping their strength. Discussing their predicament over their telepathic link they call the creature a Devil-Fish.
  On the base the Devil-Fish find alien invaders planning to poison the earth's atmosphere by exploding the bases pollutant converters, so that the blame will fall on the legionnaires. At that same moments hundreds of feet below, Element lad is using his powers to transform the bubbles to oxygen to free himself and his teammates. Mon-El splits the team up to search for the Devil-Fish. The creature who was on its way to free the Legionnaires runs into Mon-E' who quickly ties it up with seaweed he plucked from the ocean floor. Mon-El not being able to communicate with the creature removes one of his telepathic plugs. Moments later the other three members are racing to the sea-station answering Mon-El's telepathic summons. At the station Mon-El and the Devil-Fish are making short work of all but one invaders . The last alien takes his weapon and fires it at a nearby hydro cruiser, knowing that Mon-El cannot capture him and stop the beam at the same time. But out of the ocean bursts the Boy of steel stopping the beam from hitting the cruiser. Element lad uses his powers to make the rifle into H2O. And a very wet Light lass makes the invader weightless. The legion dumps the invaders into the aliens space craft. Mon-El and Superboy uses their combined super strength to throw the ship into the sun, er I mean far far into space. Mon-El tells the team what he learned from the so called Devil-fish, that the creature was a mutant that lived on the pollutants in the water and that the sea-station was cutting off his food supply. He told them to look around that even through the converter had been off for hours the sea life in the area was still healthy. They decide that they need to adapt the sea-station to run on a different energy source. The Devil-Fish returns to the see and the Legion wonders if they will ever run into their strange amphibious ally again?

Bits of Legionarrie Buisness
Roll Call:
  • Mon-El (Leader)
  • Superboy
  • Light Lass
  • Element Lad
  • Brainiac-5
  • Saturn Girl
  • Shadow Lass
  • Timber Wolf
  • Matter-Eater Lad
  • Wildfire
Legion Equipment used:
  • Oxy Breathers
  • Flight Rings
  • Telepathic Ear Plugs
  • Sea-Station
  • Legion cruiser
 The story opens up with Wildfire showing his new name to Brainiac-5, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Matter-Eater Lad, and Timber Wolf. and the six heroes are not seen in the issue again. Bates must of not of had enough pages to show us this at the end of last issues main story. We see the Legion's Sea-Station for the first and last time. Besides converting pollutants to energy we are not shown what the stations purpose is. The team uses a Space cruiser to fly from Metropolis to the pacific. That is like taking a  Plane from Boston Mass to Stoughton Mass. (a small town about 20 miles from Boston). Superboy and Mon-El could of flown there in less time it would take to warm up the cruisers engines. Superboy and Mon-El can swim at great speeds, how is the normal strength Light Lass and Element lad keeping up with them? Flight rings allow the wearers to fly, but do they propel them through water? Probably but I am not sure. We are introduced to an interesting character of the Devil-Fish and at the time I first read this I could not wait until we would see this character again. 38 years later I am still waiting. All in all this is a good story, you start out thinking the Devil-Fish is the villain and you are pleased that he is really a hero. The alien invaders were goofy looking but a good design by Cockrum, this story was a good note for the artist to leave the title on for a while.

This issue was one of the 100 page issues that DC published in the early to mid 70's. I like the 100 page issues, you got at least one new story and several reprints stories, at the time these helped me learn about DC vast history. Each title gave you stories from the past that at the time were not available elsewhere. Trade paperbacks did not exist and back issue stores were hard to find.
Next Time: Member Profile Colossal Boy.

Superboy 202 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes

Superboy 202 Cover date May June 1964; Cover Price .60 cents. First Story, "Lost a million Miles from home" Story: Cary Bates, Pencils: Dave Cockrum, Inks: Mike Grell.
 Zooming through deep space in a legion cruiser Shrinking Violet and Colossal Boy watch a visi-tape of their latest adventure on Alpha-4, when their cruiser loses all power. Checking the systems they cannot find what is wrong, Violet bemoans that their powers are usless. Colossal boy dons a protective suit and goes out side to see if he can find out what is wrong. Inside Violet is happy when the power comes back on and figures that Colossal boy must of fixed the ship. Colossal boy, aka Gim Allon reenters the ship and the power does off again. Violet deduces that Gim is the problem and explains to him about the ship gaining and loses power depending if he is on the ship or not. After Violet runs some Physio scans, Gim says they have know alternative and both of them don space suits. Flying through space using their flight rings and communicating with the use of telepathic ear plugs. They find an asteroid near the ship and Colossal boy tells violet to go back to the ship and go get help. Violet tells him that it is a million mile trip and even going at top speed it will take some time. As soon as Violet leaves Colossal boy is being covered by the mineral creature that he thought was an asteroid. He tries to send out a telepathic call for help but Violet must be out of range. He says he could save himself if he uses his powers to grow but it would destroy his suit so either way he is done for. Back on the ship Violet is sure that something on Alpha-4 is the cause to their problems.

Watching the visi-tape again she see an enlarged Gim slap his neck like something has hit him. changing angles she sees a sniper taking a shot at him. Violet backtracks to where she left Gim and she does not see him. She senses a weak thought coming from a rock. Violet pushes the rock into her ship and just before he suffocates Gim enlarges and burst through the rock. Gim looks around for Violet and can not see her. From his neck she grows until she can fit in the plam of his hand and explains that he was shot with a dart that when he returned to normal size shrunk to microscopic size and was responsible for there power problems. They destroyed the dart and resumed their journey back to earth.

Bits of Legionnarie Buisness:

Roll Call:
  • Colossal Boy (Gim Allon)
  • Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby)
Legion Equipment Used:
  • Flight Rings
  • Telepathic ear plugs
  • Legion curiser
 Planets Visited:

 Nice two member lead story, builds on the friendship of Shrinking Violet and Colossal Boy. As a kid when I read this story I new that Violet had a boy friend but I thought their was more to thier relationship, re-reading this I find that it was in my head not on the page.
Superboy 202 was the first issue that Mike Grell did art on, he is credited as Inker and this helps the already great art of Dave Cockrum. Grell takes over as Penciller next issue and is one of my favorite artist ever.
 The story shows us Violet and Colossal Boy returning from a mission on alpha-4 and the two working together to solve thier problem of being stuck in space. Bates for the 2nd issue in a row shows us a female character that wines that her power is not helpful but then showing  us that the character and her powers belong in the Legion. I have a problem with the fact that they show us the ship is only on emergancy power but they can run the Physio scanner. The only reasoning I can give is that it is medical equipment. They show protective suits that they wear in space with bubble helments. Colossal Boys has his regular gloves and boots, Violet's does not. All in all another good issue in the Bates run.

Next time: the 2nd story from 202 "The wrath of the Devil fish."

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Member Profile: Dream Girl

  • Real name: Nura Nal
  • Home Planet: Naltor
  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 1251 lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Platinum
  • Powers: to see into the Future 
  • Known relatives: Mysa Nal (sister) Kiwa Nal (Mother)
  • 1st appearance: Adventure comics 317
  • created by: Edmond Hamilton and artist John Forte

  • Notes:
    Nura Nal was born on Naltor and like all members of her race she has the ability to see into the future, with her powers being stronger than most Naltorians. Her sister is Mysa Nal the White Witch. Her vision is open to interpretation, sometimes the outcome of her vision is not what she expects since most times she is seeing only a small portion of what is to come.
    Nura joined the Legion on false pretenses; she saw members being killed and joined to save them but what she really saw were androids being destroyed. She left the Team and joined the Legion of Substitute Heroes. She rejoined the Team with her Long time boyfriend Starboy, during a time when Superboy and Supergirl had leave the team for a short time. She has a birth mark on her face the shape of a star, not sure if this is real or something she had down in honor of her lover Starboy.

    Next Time: Superboy 202 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes

    Superboy 201 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes "The Silent Death"

    The Silent Death By Cary Bates and Dave Cockrum.
       Two low level thugs tries to mug Karate Kid and Dream girl but the master of 30th century martial arts makes short work of them. Dream Girl praises Karate Kid and puts down her own usefulness, the Kid tries to make her feel better as they enter Legion headquarters at 1 Nolan Plaza. Late that night while most of the team is sound asleep in the complex a troubled Dream Girl wakes up screaming "a legionnaire is dying!"

     Using her flight ring Nura Nal the Dream Girl flies to the monitor room, the room her powers told her that someone will die in. Karate Kid is on monitor duty and Dream Girl tells him that she had a vision of death in this room and it must be he that dies. The Kid talks her out of thinking that it is him, and suggest she saw a death on the monitor screen. Checking on teams out on missions he sees Lightning Lad and Phantom girl recovering Vurxa weeds from the Sahara desert. The two fly into a deadly twister, soon Lightning Lad uses his powers to dissipate the storm. The monitor showing only lightning Lad makes Nura believe that Phantom girl is dead until she uses her powers to phase from Lightning Lads body where she road out the storm. Dream Girl then thinks she is the one who is going to die just before Karate Kid collapses on the floor in front of Her. She then figures it out Karate Kid  clutched his side, where the mugger came at him with a knife earlier. His discipline was so great he did not feel the wound. Dream Girl gets him to the Medico wing in time for Brainiac-5 to save his life. The Kid then reminds Dream Girl that every Legionnaire is important including her.

    Roll Call
    • Karate Kid
    • Dream Girl
    • Phantom Girl
    • Lightning Lad
    • Brainiac-5
    Bits of Legion Business
    Places in Headquarters
    • Dream Girls bedroom
    • Monitor room
    • Medical Bay
    The Cary Bates back up stories from this time are not as good as the main story, not sure why, This issue features one of my favorite Legionnaires, Karate Kid. Val has a good look and cool powers, and Cockrum does a good job showing the Kid beat up the two muggers with very little effort. Dream girl spends most of the issue running around in a little white nightgown, which is not a bad thing. Unfortunately Bates make Dream Girl a whiny little bitch complaining about her powers. Some people would defend him saying that you cannot make her power seem cool, but much later Paul Levitz turns her into one of the better members of the team and give her a strong run as leader. The mystery of who was suppose to die was not much of a mystery, with only two members being features it was not much of a guess. I love the fact that 30th century computers were using the same IBM punch cards that we used back in the 70's. This issue show Bates pairing off Lightning Lad and Phantom girl together, Jim Shooter will do the same in about 9 issues, not sure if they were planning to break up there existing romances and put them together, but it never happened. Great shot of Phantom girl materializing from Lightning Lad's body. The Bed that Brainiac-5 has him in looks like it is doing his hair. In fact Brainy is wearing a white barbers outfit.

    Next time Member Profile: Dream Girl

    Sunday, August 12, 2012

    Superboy 201 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes


    Superboy 201, Cover date March April 1974, Cover Price 20 cents. First Story " The betrayer from beyond." Story: Cary Bates art by Dave Cockrum.
      Before I get into the story proper, lets go back to the back up story in Superboy 196 " One shot Hero" A quick synopiss: We are introduced to Drake Burroughs aka ERG-1 a being made out of Energy livining in a containment suit applying for membership in the Legion.. His powers are control over his own energy to duplicate the ablitys of various legionarries. Mon-El Rejects him saying that memebers have to have at least one unique power. The Legionarries go on a mission and just before Colosaal boy is about to be killed by an out of control machine. ERG who stowed away on their mission flies in and unleases his full energy on the machine and destroy's it. Left with an empty contaiment suit the Legionarries assume he his dead.
       Now on to the issue at hand. We open apon the Legion's green room and three hopful Legion applicants, Porcupine Pete, Infectious Lass and Molecular Master. We also see the energy blob we saw in the last issue still claiming that nothing must stand in his way. Shrinking Violet leads the applicants into the Visitape library, where temporary leader Superboy is waiting to show them the tape of Erg-1 sacrificing himself to save Colossal Boy. At this time we learn that the energy blob is really Erg-1 and with out access to his containment suit he was just a formless blob, and after a journey of millions of miles that took almost a full year he finally reached earth and his containment suit. In the Hall of Heroes he finds his suit in a glass case next to the Statue of Ferro Lad. Trying to enter his suit he is shocked by the force-field that surrounds it. Meanwhile Porcupine Pete is ready to show his powers, projecting quill like objects from his body in all directions, the only problem is that he can to figure out how to aim them.Noticing that his powers are more of a hindrance than a help Superboy Rejects him.
      After recovering from the force-field attack Erg is still trying to solve his problem, when he encounters a whistling Cosmic Boy walking the hallways. Figuring that his energy status will allow him to enter Cosmic boy's brain and take control of him long enough to release the force field, he tries to do just that and fails. Back in the Main Hall Infectious Lass asks for a volunteer to demonstrate her powers, the ever gallant Starboy volunteers only to be hit by the common cold and  a flu virus from Infectious Lass who powers are to transmit any disease she chooses to others. Starboy collapse to the ground and Superboy rejects the lass fearing that they all could be put on the sick list by her powers.
    In a nearby corridor Erg again recovers from being shocked and figures out that the Flight Ring Cosmic boy was wearing was powered by the same type of energy that makes up the force-field which surrounds his uniforms, meaning he can not contact any member of the Legion for help.
    Molecular Master has is turn to demonstrate his powers. His unique ability enables him to enlarge the infinite tiny atoms that make up the universe, and control the power within. Superboy and the other members in the room are impressed and announce that he past the first test. Since Molecular master is not wearing a flight ring Erg believes he can enter his body and command him to free his uniform. Buy to Erg's unbelievable horror, he finds that he cannot control his mind because he does not have one he is an android. After analyzing the computer data Erg finds out he was sent to infiltrate the legion to steal the Miracle Machine.
     The Miracle Machine: Converts thoughts into reality it is capable of achieving anything. Note See adventure comics #367.
    Erg finds out that the android is poisoning the air by exhaling invisible gas into the air since he arrived, a gas so toxic even Superboy will succumb to it. Shadow Lass escorts Molecular master to the Psychological Training Unit, for the next test. As she is explaining the test Shadow lass goes weak and passes out. Throughout the vast citadel members of the Legion begin to collapse all afflicted with the same mysterious malady even the mightiest of all, Superboy. In moments not a singe one remains standing and Molecular Master attempts to collect his prize when he his stopped by a revised Erg in his containment suit. The android uses his powers to grow an Atom into a Super-Atom, with the destructive energy of more than 1,000 nuclear bombs. Erg who is composed of pure energy him self, absorbs the energy to be come even more powerful than before and uses it to fire a boot blast that destroys the android. As the Molecular masters lies on the floor in pieces Erg reflects on how he used the miracle machine itself to change the poison to knock out gas and to restore himself to his containment suit. As the legion recovers to their feet Erg faces his toughest task, explaining what just happened.

    Bits of Legion Business.
    Roll Call
    • Superboy (temporary leader)
    • Star Boy
    • Phantom Girl
    • Colossal Boy
    • Chemical Kid
    • Cosmic Boy
    • Shrinking Violet
    • Shadow Lass.
    Parts of Legion Headquarters
    • The Green Room
    • Visitape Library
    • Main Meeting room
    • Hall of Heroes
    • Psychological training unit
    In Superboy 195 I just noticed for the first time to day as Phantom Girl is escorting Erg out the address over the door is 344 Clinton st. Which is the same address as Clark Kent Metropolis apartment used it comics from this time (70's),
    Infectious Lass looks like a 30th century street walker in her outfit.

    Porcupine Pete does not look much better, the best costume of the three is Molecular Master, who reminds me a little of the X-Man Havok costume. Erg trying to figure out how to get back into his suit is interesting and the twist with Molecular master is good. Every Miracle Machine story ends the same with the hero using it to save the day, I usually do not like this kinds of stories but it works here because that is what it is suppose to do. We see the Miracle Machine again in about 10-12 issues from know. All three applicants will appear again in the future. I do not like that we do know who sent the Molecular masters but this will be resolved later in I think the Paul Levitz run but do not quote me on that, I am going by memory not research.

    Next Time the 2nd story from this Issue, another Bates Cockrum classic "The Silent Death."

    Sunday, August 5, 2012

    Member Profile: Duo Damsel

    Real Name: Luornu Durgo
    Home Planet: Cargg
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 120 pounds
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Brown
    Powers: The ability to separate into two identical beings.
    Former Identity: Triplicate Girl
    Relation Ship: Chuck Taine (Bouncing Boy) Married

    Luornu was born on the planet Cargg to Humre and Silvou Durgo. All natives of Cragg have the ability to split into three identical beings, this might have something to due with the triple suns of that world, not sure if this was ever explained. As a Teen Luornu traveled to earth and Joined the Legion of super-heroes, it was not explained at the time why she joined but that was common at the time. According to revised Legion history she is considered the first non founder to join the team. There is not much to tell about her early adventures with the team nothing stands out to my memory, until one of her selves were killed by the villainous Computo (created by brainiac-5) and she renamed herself Duo Damsel. She was a part of one of my favorite stories of the Adventure comics run which introduced Mordru. It was in that story I noticed her crush on Superboy, (it might of been shown earlier but I have not read those stories in a long time.) Later when she realized that she did not have a chance with Superboy she started dating Bouncing Boy, and Later married him. This relationship gave me hope that a dorky loser could land a Hot babe like her.  Luornu is a member of the Legion's espionage Squad, usually using her powers to appear as two different people to gain information. At this point in my coverage of the Legion she has Married Bouncing boy and resigned from the Legion. She will appear in future stories.

    Next time the first story of Superboy 201

    Saturday, August 4, 2012

    Superboy 200 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes "The Legionnaire Bride of Starfinger"

    Superboy 200, Cover Date: Feb 1974. "The Legionnaire bride of Starfinger." Story: Cary Bates Art: Dave Cockrum.
     In the Legion's Medical Center, Bouncing Boy is getting some bad news from Brainiac-5. As Bouncing Boy leaves, Brainiac-5 chokes up thinking that he will have to tell the others that they are losing a pal.
      To cheer himself  up bouncing boy, goes to the legion's Visitape library, and watches an old tape of himself and Duo Damsel having a 3 way, I mean having fun using their powers. Seeing the tape of him and Duo Damsel. reminds him how much he will miss her. That gives him a great idea, and he races off to the legion's landing  deck where Duo Damsel should be arriving after being away on a month long mission, When he gets there Chameleon boy tells him he is 10 minutes too late, The damsel left to go to Metro-Center to get her Space Passport stamped. He finds her leaving the center, and sits her down to tell her Brainiac-5 diagnosis. Duo Damsel tells him it does not matter and she still loves him. Chuck then whispers a question to her, which she answers, "Oh Chuck... You don't know how long I've waited for this moment! Of course my answer is ... Yes... Yes!" As chuck moves in for a kiss, Duo Damsel takes off like a rocket. Duo Damsel took off after two escaped Eaglox birds, the only two of their kind and the symbol of the united planets.  The duo damsel is trying to reach the two escape birds, but they had flying in two different directions.  She tries to use her power to split into two but finds she is unable to.  Wondering where her other self is she continues after the bird directly in front of her she catches it but then sees the other bird flying directly in the past of a jet flier.  out of know where Superboy appears and moves the flier out of the way of the bird and then he catches the bird and the two heroes return to the ground.

    Down on the ground bouncing Boy tells Superboy that it is Ironic that Duo Damsel powers should fail her the same day that Brainiac-5 discovers that Bouncing boy lost his power forever. Superboy is shocked but is even more shocked when Duo Damsel tells him that they are quitting the Legion to get married. Back at Legion headquarters fellow members congratulates the pair. In the Medical wing Brainiac-5 is examining the single Duo Damsel. He tells her that is not that her powers is not working it is that she is all ready separated, using a Memory-Prober to find out when the two halves of Luornu split. Brainiac-5 "sees" both Duo Damsels flying side by side being attracted by a monstrous bird of prey. I captures one of the Damsels and vanishes into nothingness. The strain of losing her other half was so great she blotted it out of her memory. The green skinned teen tells her that her twin is gone forever and that it should not matter because of her new life as a Devoted wife. The next day minus Mon-el and Shadow lass the legion load up into three cruisers and head for Mars the site of the wedding ceremony.
               As the cruisers leave  a nameless formless mass arrives at the head quarters vowing to take what is his, but that is a story for a future issue.
    At the solar systems plushest resort Nix Olympica the legion and their guest arrive at there destination.

    As soon as the minister pronounces them Man and wife Luornu starts to glow and collapses. After a swift examination Brainiac-5 announces that Duo Damsel is dying. Just then one of the Legion's oldest foes appears carring a second glowing Duo damsel. He tells the teens that they need to hand their Damsel to him or they will both die. Despite Bouncing Boy's objections Superboy flies the Damsel off to meet with Starfinger. Meanwhile Brainiac-5 give a distraught Bouncing Boy a vulcan neck pinch. Up in the Sky Starfinger blasts Superboy and takes off with Both Duo Damsels just as he planned. He was behind the attack that separated the Damsels and unleashed a poisonous gas that handicapped the Damsels. As he goes back to his space craft with his monstrous Warxi he vows to carry out experiment-x. A small task force of Legionnaries meet to plan their next move.  Using recorded brain waves of Duo Damsel Saturn girl tries to home in on the missing Legionnaire.
    On his ship Starfinger is using his PSONIC-ANALYZER to find out how Duo damsel separates her self, so her can divided himself into an army of Starfingers.
    Just as Starfinger is about to create his first duplicate Superboy speeds off. Starfinger fires his device at himself and he is greeted by a 2nd Starfinger who quickly subdues the orginial. When the Legion arrives they blast the surviving Starfinger to reveal Superboy in a Starfinger suit. Brainiac-5  reunites the two halves of Duo Damsel and Starfinger escapes with the help of Warxi. Back on earth Mon-el tells shadow lass that he will ask Superboy to rejoin the legion full time and the mysterious energy blob vows that nothing will stop him.

    bits of Legionnarie business
    Roll Call
    • Bouncing Boy
    • Brainiac-5
    • Chameleon Boy
    • Duo Damsel
    • Superboy
    • Lightning Lad
    • Cosmic boy
    • Phantom Girl
    • Mon-El (leader)
    • Shadow Lass
    • Saturn Girl
    Legion Wedding
    Legion Headquarters and Equipment
    • Medical Center
    • Visitape Library
    • Landing Deck
    • Diagnostic Scanner
    • Memory Prober
    • Legion cruisers
    Things with "Space in front of them: 1 Space Passport. Total 1
    Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel talk about science fiction. I can understand it when he had his powers, (he can expand his body parts) but powerless I do not see the attraction.  Bouncing boy states that he lost his powers forever but "Spoilers" in about 30 issues he regains his powers. Starfinger has all ways been a lame villain and this issue does not change that fact but I liked seeing Old seldom used villains Mon-El says that he will ask Superboy to rejoin the Legion, what has Superboy been doing the last 4 issues if he has not been a full time member? Don't get me wrong I do like this issue but it is what it is, a Cheesy Cary Bates Legion Story, but the one thing I noticed that really puts this into the cheesy catagorie is Space Passports, puting a word infront of another that is not needed is silly and I will start a count of this going forward.

    Sorry for the delay in posting, I broke my wrist back in June and needed Surgery, but I am recovered enough to continue posting.
    Next Time Member Profile on Duo Damsel.