- Real Name : Brin Londo
- Home Planet: Zoon
- Height: 6'0"
- Weight: 190 lbs
- Eyes: Brown
- Hair: Brown
- First Appearance: Adventure Comics 327 December 1964
- Created By: Edmond Hamilton and John Forte
- Known Relatives: Mar Londo (Father)
- Powers & Skills: Augmented strength, speed, and agilty.

Brin's father Mar Londo experimented on him with zuunium, a mineral found only on Zoon. This gave Brin Augmented speed, strength and agilty. After his fathers death Brin was given amnesia by Karth Arn, his father's android assistant, and was he was the android and that Arn was the son of Mar Londo. Brin left Zoon and took the name Lone Wolf, preforming heroic deeds across the galaxy. After encountering the Legion and Karth Arn he discovered his true idenity. Durning that time he met and fell in love with Light Lass. After therapy and a stint in the Legion academy, he joined the Legion as Timber Wolf, along with Chemical King. He was in a long term relationship with Light Lass, until they had a following out over his alleged relationship with Saturn Girl, and Light Lass's desire to leave the Legion. When Light Lass returned to the Legion as Lightning Lass, Brin tried to resume there relationship, but she wanted nothing to do with him and eventualy she began dating Shrinking Violet.
Notable Foes:
- Black Mace
- Gimbor the chainmaster.
My Notes
Timber Wolf is not one of my favorite characters, not sure why that is. As a kid I was confused by his sudden change in appearnce from normal looking to a more animalistic, wolf like face. Writer Paul Levitz would later change his face back to normal using 30th century plastic surgery. I can not recall any standout story with the character either, but as I am re-reading my seventies and eighties Legion books I might come across one and will update this post.
Next Time Superboy 198
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