Monday, January 21, 2013

Karate Kid # 2

Karate Kid # 2 Cover dated June 1976, Cover price .30 Cents

"The International Dooms of Major Disaster" Barry Jameson Writer, Ric Estrada & Joe Staton Artists, Joe Orlando Editor.

Val Armorr goes to PS 38 in lower Manhattan looking for School teacher Iris Jacobs. Val is looking for a confident and a place to stay. Iris still has a hard time believing that Val is from the 30th century. Val even shows her his 30th century credit card and she still does not believe him. Out of know where a tidal wave heads down 43rd street. Val grabs Iris and leaps to safety. They ponder on how this catastrophe can happen just out of the blue and who is responsible. The answer to that question is Major Disaster, riding on a water spout with 2 of his henchmen. He declares that the United nations must vacate it headquarters in the United States with in three hours or face total destruction. Val Leaps on to Major Disaster's craft and Disaster is pleased that a super hero is facing him, Major Disaster uses his control stick that brings a meteorite down on our hero. Using all of his train Val destroy the meteorite with a power full kick. The force of the blow knocks Val off of the sled and he lands in a water filled barrel. As he climbs out he is surrounded by Major Force's men. It takes Val very little time and he defeats the thugs just in time for the police to drag them all down to the police station. Later the news is reporting that Karate Kid, is a  hero from the 30th century . Major Disaster is watching from his headquarters with his employers representatives from Nurike who hired Disaster to drive the U.N. out of the united states to enforce their "America for American" philosophy. Major Disaster ensures him that when he takes on a contract he carries it out.
   Outside the midtown police station Val is surround by reporters when he is saved by Iris who leads him into a Taxi. Iris explains that some firemen help her down after Val had to leave and apologies for not believing that he was from the future. Just then a giant crack appears in front of their Taxi cab. And now we have an Earthquake in New York city. The fissures appear to be coming from a building in the distance that is glowing but the building is not affected by the earth quake.  Val tells Iris to stay where she is and he goes off to investigate. Like all women in these types of story Iris does not listen and follows after him. Val finds Major Disaster on the balcony of the glowing building operating his sonic trembulator that will doom the United nations. Val threatens to break every bone in Disaster's body when Iris comes in and distracts the Karate Kid long enough for him to pull the switch on his machine. The Machine causes a master fissure that is heading to the U.N. building, and will topple the building into the east river. Val grabs Iris and jumps off the balcony and bounces off a canopy and then somersaults safely to the ground. Again telling Iris to stay put he runs off towards the U.N. Placing himself between the fissure and the U.N Val gives a might stomp to the ground setting off a counter vibration that stops Major Disaster vibration and sends it back toward Major disaster's building while sealing the fissure as it goes. The vibration causes feedback in the Major's machine and causes it to explode.  In the rubble Val and Iris meet up, Val telling the Red Head school teacher that he still does not have a place to stay and she tells him yes he does.

Wow this is bad. The premise is terrible, American Nazi's hiring a super-Villain to force the United Nation out of America. Wow again. I liked the idea that now that he was in the 20th century, Karate Kid would fight know villains. Major Disaster is a known villain, I think he use to fight Green Lantern or the Flash but I do not know that much about him. I would of liked to see Val up against one of Superman's or Batman's major bad guys, I know Luthor or the Joker would be out of the question but I would of settle for the Riddler or the Prankster. As I said the last time we covered an Issue of Karate Kid , I do not recall much about the series but if this is typical I thing I might just give a quick mention of the issues at the bottom of my Monthly Legion posts until The Legion appears in the book again or another Major guest star shows up, I think Robin is in an issue at the end of the run.

Next time Superboy 217.

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