Friday, January 11, 2013

Superboy # 216 Starring the Legion of Super-Heroes " 1 + 1 = 3"

"1+1=3" Story Cary Bates. Art Mike Grell

Chuck Taine the former Legionnaire called Bouncing Boy is walking in the park with his doubly sexy wife Lournu Taine, Duo Damsel, when they are accosted by a couple of thugs. The thugs are from a gang called the rampagers, a gang Chuck put away when he still had his Bouncing Boy powers. Chuck gets taken out quickly so Lournu splits into two and saves his fat ass. One of the damsel's is stuck with a poison ring but does not notice it right before she puts the last guy down. Lournu rejoins her two halves and she and the luckiest man in the the 30th century walk and talk abit. Chuck is complaining about how useless he is since he lost his powers, (come on Chuck you were pretty lame with them) and that there was a time he could of taken those two without breathing hard. All he would have to do is inflate his body and bounce them into submission. Lournu tries to be a good wife and lies to him saying that he will always have the wits and courage that made him a Legionnaire. Lournu complains about her arm starts to feel faint and goes to get a drink of water from a nearby fountain while Chuck notices that it is the same arm she used to block that hood's punch earlier. The hood could of used a spiked ring to drug Lournu, (he did). The double D dare Doll rejoins her rotund hubby by the entrance to the play ground and quickly passes out. Chuck picks up his wife and is ambushed by four more of the rampagers, it is now dark and with no one else around Chuck thinks that he and his wife will never leave the park alive. (Way to be positive chunky.) Four to one against him and the only weapons he has is a few rubber balls left in the play ground. He throws one hard but misses his foes, and the thugs laugh at him. But the ball was thrown so hard it ricochets off the walls and knocks two to the thugs out. Please with himself until he see a thug on his knees with a knife to Lournu's pretty neck. But from nowhere a rubber ball covers the knife. The thug looks up to see a second Lournu kicking him in the face. The fourth rampager id distracted and Chuck tackles him from behind using all of his massive weight against the man. Chuck asks Lournu about how she did not get knocked out like the other Lournu. She explains that when his back was turned while she was getting a drink she split into two before the drug affected her other side. Chuck is pleased with him self and his wives and they go home to have a 3 way.

Chuck and Lournu Taine (ex Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel)

Page 1:
  • Chuck and Lournu out walking in Paradise park when they get attacked by some thugs.
Page 2:
  • The Street gang called the Ramapagers get the crap kicked out them by Duo Damsel while Chuck lies helpless on the ground.
Page 3
  • One of the thugs drug Lournu, I thought Chuck had been doing that for years.
Page 4:
  • Lournu passes out.
Page 5:
  • Chuck gets lucky and takes a couple of the Rampagers out.
Page 6:
  • Lournu, who split in two earlier comes in and saves Chuck sorry ass again.
I made some jokes but this is one of the better back up stories in this run. I liked seeing the ex-Legionnaires in action again. And of course it featured one of my favorite Legion members, Duo Damsel, proof if a Fat guy like Bouncing Boy can marry a Hottie like that there is hope for me.

Next time Karate Kid # 2

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